Work package 6

Work package Leader: UNIVE

Work package title: Environmental impact assessment

Month(s): 10-41


The new materials and technologies proposed in WPs 2-5 addressed specific conservation needs for modern and contemporary artworks. To this end, they needed to take into account the nature of the artworks themselves (mural paintings, paintings on movable supports, plastic and metal surfaces, etc.), their state of conservation and the environmental conditions (indoor-outdoor) in which they are stored or displayed. The WP6 aimed to:
- perform environmental impact assessment of the most effective and promising technologies developed in WPs 2-5;
- identify a set of indicators for evaluating the sustainability of such technologies and (related operations) including environmental, economic, social and technical aspects;
- develop a Weight of Evidence (WoE) methodology integrating the identified indicators into a technology-specific (semi-)quantitative sustainability judgment (i.e. the Sustainability Assessment methodology);
- incorporate the proposed Sustainability Assessment indicators and methodology in an ad hoc guidance document to support manufacturers towards the certification of their nano- enabled technologies.


Task 6.1 - Environmental impact assessment
Task 6.2 WoE sustainability assessment methodology
Task 6.3 Guidance document for sustainability assessment


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