The Consortium gathers expertise in the Cultural Heritage management, science and research at national and international level, and a leading role of SMEs and LEs in the exploitation and industrial scalability of the project results. The Consortium includes conservators, materials and conservation scientists, companies producing nanotechnology and advanced materials, and services supplier (training, healthcare, diagnostics, communication, exhibitions).

For further information about the NANORESTART project partners, click on the squares or use the list below.



AC - Aurelia Chevalier Atelier 

AIC - Art Institute of Chicago

AIRI - Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale

AKZO - AkzoNobel

AM - Antonio Mirabile, Paper conservator

ARK - Arkema

BRERA - Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera

CEA - Commissariat al'energie atomique et aux energies alternatives

CNR-DSCTM - National Research Council

CSGI - Centre for Colloid and Surface Science, University of Florence

CUT - Chalmers University of Technology

IPCE - Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de Espana

MBN - MBN Nanomaterialia

NIC - National Institute of Chemistry

NMD - National Museum of Denmark

PGC - Peggy Guggenheim Collection

RMA - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

T-UCC - Tyndall National Institute, University College of Cork

TATE - Tate

UB - University of Barcelona

UCL - University College of London

UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), School of Fine Arts

USC - University of Santiago de Compostela

UNIVE - University Ca’ Foscari of Venice

UVA - University of Amsterdam

ZFB - Zentrum fur Bucherhaltung GmbH